My Family is the most important part of my life.My prayer is that God leads our every thought, every dream, and most of all, He leads our Family through this great gift He has given: LIFE.. May we be the kind of Family that loves as He has loved us, teach our children the love of Our Father, Jesus Christ. This Fantastic Family of Four will always love and protect each other, and give our best to one another, and forever love and forgive, thats what makes us Fantastic!
Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I believe that it is ALWAYS better to be prepared for emergencies, no matter the situations that life can throw at you. With Hurricane Gustav approaching new territory, it has made realize the severity and danger that we can be in. Even though we are not scheduled to get hit here, we will feel some effects of it. Our schools have been closed to due to people evacuating New Orleans and they need places set up for shelter for those who have no where to go. My heart hurts for those who will be left without a home, food and any where to go, or no idea how to go from here. I can even imagine the devastation and tragedy that has happened and that will continue to happen. This hurricane is bigger than Katrina, and will do more damage than any of us can fathom. We have been taking all the precautions that we know to do. As of right now, it is expected to hit landfall Monday. Gustav has 115 mph wind speed. It is 263 miles from New Orleans. One of Jerry's best friends and co-workers lives in Houma, which is directly right where it is expected to hit. We have talked to him several times this weekend, via phone and e-mail. He was completely boarded everything, and is waiting out the storm, We have tried to reason with him several times, telling him that we have room for him and to please evacuate, but he is going to wait it out. Now, all we can do is wait... and the unexpected is frighting, but I am just so glad that Jerry is here with us. It's not that I can't handle situations like this, I have many times before, It's just a feeling of safety and security that only comes from having my whole family with me. I just feel like we can conquer anything that comes, together. We have been in preparation for this just about the whole weekend. We have filled both cars with a full tank of gas. We have towels, blankets, and pillows ready in case of bad winds and tornado warnings.Today, after church, we went to the grocery store, stocked up on bottle water, canned goods, and any non-perishable items. We have batteries for radios, portable fans, candles. I have also made sure we have all sorts of medicines, aspirin, Caiden's asthma medicine, and A first aid kit on hand. I have been cooking this whole weekend. So, we have everything in easy access range and not have to worry about what to eat. I have cooked everything from casserole dishes to desserts, being banana pudding and lemon pies, Jerry's favorite. We have paper plates , plastic cups, and plastic forks and spoons. I just feel more ready for anything this way, for the unexpected is frightening, the the anticipation of this hurricane is the worst feeling. I am just so thankful that God has allowed Jerry to be home right now. I think the worst part of this all is not only the devastation that is about to come, but about where Jerry will be called to. We are praying not only for the safety and protection of people, but also for Jerry. He very well could be in the middle of all this. Anticipation, waiting, for that call that he will deployed. And where he goes is crucial to us, and if we will be able to travel on the weekends to see him. So, we are here as of right now, as a family, enjoying and appreciating every moment we have together. The circumstances maybe bleak, but no matter what happens, we are here going through it as a family. God please watch over us all, and we know that are prayers are being heard. We will be protected by the Lord no matter what happens.
Caiden and Bailee's build-a-bears are now out of their boxes!
They have been in those boxes just sitting there
With Mimi taking Bailee to build-a-bear, they have fell in love again with playing with them!
Bailee has enjoyed putting the new outfit on that Mimi bought her. And Caiden had forgotten how cool they really are. They have been playing with them all day!
They have been in those boxes just sitting there
With Mimi taking Bailee to build-a-bear, they have fell in love again with playing with them!
Bailee has enjoyed putting the new outfit on that Mimi bought her. And Caiden had forgotten how cool they really are. They have been playing with them all day!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Ellerman girls had a girls time this weekend! Mimi got Madison, Bailee, and Jayden for a fun filled weekend! They got to go to Build-A-Bear! MiMi bought each girl a new outfit for their little bears. And they got to ride the carousel at the mall!They got to do arts and crafts!
Bailee was so proud to show us her little house she made !
Bailee was so proud to show us her little house she made !
We have just gotten word that our school will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday due to Hurriane Gustva.
They will be using the schools as shelters for those evacuating New Orleans. I-10 is packed from those trying to leave New Orleans. I am so scared for those in harms way. I am soo thankful that Jerry is here to be with us! We all pray for those already traumatized by this horrible tragedy and for those who will be hit from its effects.
They will be using the schools as shelters for those evacuating New Orleans. I-10 is packed from those trying to leave New Orleans. I am so scared for those in harms way. I am soo thankful that Jerry is here to be with us! We all pray for those already traumatized by this horrible tragedy and for those who will be hit from its effects.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The 5th graders at school are learning to play the recorder. These music classes are designed primarily to help prepare students for middle school/junior high school band and choir classes by helping them increase their music - reading skills. The students will also have opportunities during the year to play these recorders and other musical instruments for us parents and the school. Caiden is very excited about this recorder, and even though he just got it today, he thinks that he is already a maestro!!
With today being Friday, this was the day to go have lunch with Caiden and Bailee.
Not only did I go, but Jerry did too! They were so excited about both of us coming!
Jerry may be gone a lot, but when he is here, he does so much with our children.
He definitely makes up for lost time! He is the best dad!
Not only did I go, but Jerry did too! They were so excited about both of us coming!
Jerry may be gone a lot, but when he is here, he does so much with our children.
He definitely makes up for lost time! He is the best dad!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jerry and I attended Caiden's 5th grade teacher/ parenting meeting this evening. I always attend this meetings. Even though they are repeated, being that Bailee is one grade below Caiden. I was soo GLAD that Jerry got to go with me!!! It felt so good to walk in together, Jerry,me, Caiden, and Bailee. Normally, the children do not come, BUT this time we all went. I guess that since Jerry has been gone for so long, we just wanted to be together as much as we could. Plus, Caiden came home from school today telling Jerry and I that all his friends were going to be there, and they were going to play football while we were in the meeting. So we arrived, 1st thing we noticed was NO air conditioning!!! Jerry and I looked at each other in despair, we were thinking the same thing...How can they hold a meeting that was going to last at least an hour, with 5 different teachers explaining their teaching techniques, what they expected out of our children..... AND then "Are there any questions?" So, there we all were, parent to parent.... seated in a row with our little agendas and schedules for their classes. Then taking this bundle of papers, fanning ourselves. My little Bailee Grace sitting there beside me, taking my hair of my neck and fanning me, which in turn I fanned her. Parents trying to hold their attention on which ever teacher was talking, while they twisted and turned in their cafeteria seats, which by the way, are NOT comfortable. Jerry and I conversed with little chit chat, him being a funny guy, was trying to make me laugh out loud! And then, whispering little nothings to other parents to get them laughing. Of course these were mostly men, his baseball buddies that he has not seen in awhile, I could see that they really were wanting to do something else. Leslie and I were doing the same, for she has ALREADY done this before, last year! I guess the air cuts off automatically, for Leslie told me that the school security alarm goes on at 7 pm. It was HOT! All in All, it was a great meeting, informative, and the teachers all seem to be really dedicated to making our children's year the best. I figure this , in about 3 more years, this meetings will cease... The schools will be sending DVD'S home and we will be able to view ALL teachers, ALL schedule's and ALL test times without leaving the house. NOW that would be cool!
It's that time again...LSU FOOTBALL!!! They will play their first game Saturday against Appalachian State.We have a fun weekend planned! We also will be having a surprise friend or should I say family member home!!!!! But, SHHH, Caiden and Bailee don't know yet!!!! He is on his way home as I write this!!!! He will be here in about 1 hour, and he will get to go with me to pick them up from school!! They are going to be sooo happy!!!! We love when he comes home... he may not be here for long, but we cherish every moment we have together as a family!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I feel really good about Caiden and Bailee's school year. I have really put a lot of planning into their school work and studies. I am trying something new this year and it seems to be agreeing with us! I have snack ready for them when they get home. Then then start on homework, this includes written assignments, such as Math, Spelling, and English. I am trying so hard this year, to make them figure it out for themselves, only asking me for help, when they are stuck. I believe they they should TRY first, THEN, ask for help. I believe that this is essential for learning. They are at the age where they should assume some responsibility, I am there to help, not do it for them. They are spending anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes on it. Which, I feel is a sufficient amount of time. I then let them have free time, this means tv or video games, or just simply relaxing. Then we have supper, kitchen clean up, and then their bath. We then have study time. This usually starts around 7:30, and they each go to a room and look over their study material. I usually give them about 10 minutes to look over it and then I individually go to them and study for tests that are due in 4 days in advance. I try to make it fun for them. This helps them to retain the knowledge, and makes them want to learn more. Caiden has made little songs to help him ,and Bailee likes for me to mix things up a bit, so it doesn't seem redundant. I am taking all this into consideration when I was in college. I seemed to retain more when I studied right before bed time. They go to bed with that in mind, and they seem to sleep with that in their heads! After this, it is 9 pm, and its bed time. This also gives their bodies time to settle down and ready for sleep. So, I feel like this is really going to work for us. So far, it has worked out great! I'm just glad I am here and ready to tackle it all when they get home! And when the days ends, I can go to bed with the satisfaction of knowing that they are well prepared ... for the next day!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
With all the hustle and bustle of a new school year, I forgot to mention that Jerry has passed his test!! YES!! He has been preparing for a very lengthy test. State Farm specifically sent him to Dallas to prepare and study for it. He was so nervous. This test depending on a lot of factors, job promotion being one of them. Jerry, Caiden, Bailee, and I are so proud of you.. I told you that you could do it. I have always had faith in you!! We love you and can't wait for you to come home!
NOW... his preparing for another one to take in September!
We know you can do it again!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
We love in many different ways, It can be anything from a simple saying "I love you" to a great big hug. We can also show love by just being there, no words said, just by looking into someones eyes, we can feel and know that they love us. WELL, Bailee showed me tonight another way to show love. Technology is amazing and it keeps improving everyday. Sometimes I agree, sometimes not. Yes, our children have cell- phones for various reasons, but this was a personal decision Jerry and I made. Well, being that I sleep with my cell-phone, for we don't have a home phone, Its pretty much always with me. Mostly in the pocket of my sweat pants! Caiden's cell phone stays pretty much charged as were Bailee has hers with her pretty much all the time. Since school as started, our sleeping schedule is still a little thrown off, and we are still trying to get it back to normal as possible. Now that they are just a tad bit older, I make sure that they are in bed by 9. But, with them being children, they are not always going to go right to sleep! You can make them go to bed, but you can't make them go to sleep! Any way, Bailee was in her bed, I was doing my usual routine, of picking up the house after I tucked them into bed. I did not have my cell phone on me, and Bailee told me that she heard my phone ringing.... So, I go and check it out. It was a text message from Bailee.. Just a simple " I love you" Those 3 little words , just 3, made me feel so happy and so loved. It's the little things that we do for another that means so much! Bailee is so thoughtful and for some reason, she felt like I needed to hear that! And, I did. I miss Jerry so much, and my heart grows heavy and I get weary sometimes because I know he wants to be here.And they miss him too. Of course, I had to text her back, and she was happy I did. So, love can be shown different ways, the only thing that matters is that you make sure its reciprocated !
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I feel so good about our summer. We did so much and the kids had a blast. I really tried to make sure we did everything they wanted. Caiden had numerous friends over, slumber parties and He got to go on numerous trips. I made sure that our back to school party was a success, for school was coming and It was time to get serious.
Bo has been over everyday since school, my second child, but only after homework was done. This being the 1st weekend of school, things haven't changed. Bo and Ty came over this afternoon. They played and departed. Then,I took Caiden to Bo's house for a little while.
Then, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. It was the Jolley boys wanting to play. So, they played football. It's comical how when seasonal sports change, they change. Football is the focus of their interests now. And of course, He had to show them his autographed football from last night!
So, It really feels like summer, the times have changed when they play, but they still find time to see each other and I guess summer can go on even though another season approaches!
Bo has been over everyday since school, my second child, but only after homework was done. This being the 1st weekend of school, things haven't changed. Bo and Ty came over this afternoon. They played and departed. Then,I took Caiden to Bo's house for a little while.
Then, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. It was the Jolley boys wanting to play. So, they played football. It's comical how when seasonal sports change, they change. Football is the focus of their interests now. And of course, He had to show them his autographed football from last night!
So, It really feels like summer, the times have changed when they play, but they still find time to see each other and I guess summer can go on even though another season approaches!
than she's gonna wear it! Bailee was rummaging through my closet today and she found these shoes. I was cleaning up the kitchen and she asked me if she could have them. I told her that I still wear them and and that they were too big for her anyway. NOPE, she says , look momma they fit. To my surprise, they did! Oh my, My 9 year old daughter can wear my shoes!! Take into consideration that I wear a size 9! You know what this means... I can now buy shoes and she can wear them, this will save us time looking .. and save us money! She is growing up too fast. I can remember when is was 4 years old playing dress-up and my shoes were so big on her, not any more.she is going to have huge feet! As the saying goes... like mother, like daughter!
Friday, August 22, 2008
While eating lunch with Bailee today, we sat and talked about her day so far. Her little new friend was sitting on the other side of her. Bailee turned to me and whispered this in my ear, " mommy, I feel sorry for her, she only has 1 pair of blue jeans." My mood suddenly changed to concern, about this little girl, and my heart was twinged. How awful, I thought, how sad. I then told Bailee that we would talk about 1st thing when she got home.When I got home from lunch, I couldn't help but feel so much heartache for this little girl. I thought about it so much, that I was trying to find something to do to help keep my mind of it, or least, to Bailee got home. I picked up the kids, we talked about the day, as usual, and Bailee seemed happy, but I could tell that something was bothering her. They ate their snack, and headed to their rooms to play. Normally we would do homework, but it was Friday. I was picking up snack when Bailee called me into her room. I knew what was coming... She told me that this little girl did not have a telephone, nor cable, she had nothing to watch but dvds. She explained to me that her dad lives far away in another state. She had very little clothes, and an old pair of tennis shoes, which I did notice at lunch. Bailee told me this and my heart was so over whelmed with feelings gratefulness and generosity, and pure humbleness. "mommy, I think I am going to give my new friend all of my Hannah Montana stuff, my posters, cds. I am going to look in my closet to find her some clothes. I have too many barbies, I can give her some. I have some extra shoes, I can't wear them any way, she can have them. You know that BFF bracelet that we ordered the other day, I am going to give her the other one.Mom, you know that place we go to to give other people stuff that we don't use any more, can we go there and buy her some things?" Wow, I was speechless. I quickly gathered my thoughts, for I wanted to say the right thing to her. This was HUGE! I first off told Bailee this: Bailee, you are truly one of the most considerate and most unselfish person I know and it blesses my heart that you have so much compassion for those less fortunate than you. I then tried to explain to her the blessings of giving and receiving. It made my heart glad that she was willing to give this little girl(she has only known a few days) everything she had. Bailee is so much like Jerry it hurts. Jerry would give EVERYTHING he had to someone in need. I think that's what I love most about Jerry, He always puts others before himself, A trait I wish I had. Jerry and Bailee wold give you the shirt off their backs.How can A child that looks so much like me,but be so much like her dad! I tried to, with tears in my eyes, to explain the joy in giving. I told her this: "Bailee, It thrills my heart that you are willing to give your things to this friend, BUT mom and dad have worked really hard to give you these little rewards. We are trying to instill you the basic principle of appreciating what you have.. and being content with just that. It's so great that you want to give her so much, but just the fact that you understand and acknowledge people who are less fortunate than you makes you a giver already!And with that being said, Bailee has ALWAYS been content.. she rarely asked for anything.. Just like her dad.. I sometimes feel like I am going overboard with Caiden because he requires a little more. And that's not a bad thing. Reassurance is a huge thing for him. He just needs to know that it's ok to feel this way and he thrives on knowing that someone has seen and appreciated his efforts on certain things he has done. Bailee is a special child. We sometimes clash, because we both want to be in charge. She is very head strong and stubborn. As I , And we both want things done our way, and no other way is acceptable. I always set aside time for my children. I talked to them together and I talked to them individually. This gives me a chance to see what they are thinking and feeling without the other hearing and commenting on it. Bailee and I had a very special night together.I talked to her about a lot of things that were so heavy on my heart. I asked her about how she felt about my ways of motherhood. Was I doing what what expected of me from them? Was I giving them what they needed most. Was I being their mother not their friend. We talked about what I expected out of them, about what I said to them that was not positive or if I said something that hurt their feelings, and on how I can make my self better for the sake of the family.. I just want my children to know that they can always come to me with anything that is heavy on their hearts. My Bailee Grace is growing up, a little too fast in my eyes. I feel like the older she gets, the less she is going to need me, and that scares me.I will always see her as that little sweet girl who loves to play with her barbies and the vibrant little girl who loves to sing and dance, But, she gave me re-assurance tonight that I am still a major part of her life. She told me this, "momma, you are my mother and always will be nothing will change that, and I will always need you, thanks for teaching me how to love people who I sometimes get mad at, because I know that Jesus loves them just like he loves me." My Bailee is soo sweet and so thoughtful, she has such a bright future ahead of her, for she is still my little girl, and she has such a big heart!
ULM Football Schedule
It's that time again, the time for ULM Football! Our family has so many memories of tail gating. Pappaw and MiMi would have the huge singing bus parked with lots and lots of chairs set out. Pappaw would have own his ULM apron cooking chicken and sausage on the stick. Caiden would find other little boys in the area and play football with them. Bailee has her pom poms and saying her little cheers. There were many times we would all line up watching the band and cheerleaders walk in a procession. There would be face painting and all kinds of little activities for the kids to do. Space walks were always there and the kids loved them! My children love and always look forward to it. I just hope Jerry is home soon so he can enjoy it to.
Pappaw Larry to Caiden and his cousins to the ULM Warhawk Fan weekend. The kids got to go on the field, meet the players, go in the locker room, they got autographs and Caiden got his football signed. He has so much fun! Thanks Pappaw for a great time!
Proud of his ULM attire! And his autographed football
Pappaw Larry to Caiden and his cousins to the ULM Warhawk Fan weekend. The kids got to go on the field, meet the players, go in the locker room, they got autographs and Caiden got his football signed. He has so much fun! Thanks Pappaw for a great time!
Proud of his ULM attire! And his autographed football
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