Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Monday, August 18, 2008


Caiden and Bailee had a great 1st day of school! They were so pumped up about seeing ALL their friends! As soon as we walked through the door, we saw one of Caiden's baseball buddies, Trey and he said.."Caiden, we are in the same class!!!" Matter of fact, most of the All-Star team is in Caiden's class!! Yes, Caiden as ALL his friends in his class!! I don't know who was MORE excited, me or him! They are even sitting all at the same table in the classroom! What is REALLY funny is that they had the same backpack, shoes, and the same types of binders. His friends in his class are Bo, Tanner Jolley, Trey Mulhern, Chander Bush,and Jacob Mitchum. It was so cute watching them talk about stuff and they were up and down the hall finding other boys. As I have said before, my kids don't want to sit around and watch me fill out papers. Caiden's teacher is Mrs. Thomas, she is GREAT! She goes to our church! Bailee wasn't so lucky, bless our heart, but she got at least 2 friends in her class, and she was happy! I love Bailee, she doesn't have to have a lot of friends, she does better mainly by her self. She would rather play alone in her room with barbies. She has an wonderful imagination and is happy with being herself by herself. She did find most of her friends and she hung out with them. All in All she is HAPPY! Her teacher is Mrs. Tanner and she is so pretty and sweet! I am excited about this school year. I am not working and planned to be at the school A LOT this year. I will be doing Room Mother and eating lunch with the kids, attending their award ceremonies , going on field trips, and what ever I can do. I want to be there for anything my kids do at school. I am glad that I held off on home school. I cannot bring my self to take them out of the school environment. Caiden and Bailee are very active and social children and it scares me to take that enviroment away from them. But they do want to be homeschooled just not right now. I think that I am going to hold off home school till Junior high, for I don't want them in school in that type of enviroment!

Caiden's 5th teacher: Mrs. Thomas

Caiden's Pre-K teacher: Mrs. Vaughn

Bailee's 4th grade teacher: Mrs.Tanner

Bailee's Pre-K teacher: Mrs.Vaughn

Roaming the halls seeing what everyones summer was like
Jacob, Caiden, Bo
Caiden and Trey
Bailee and her friend were happy to see each other!

Bailee has really taken an interest in self-pride. She loves to make her self presentable to others. She is ALWAYS getting into my lipstick, BUT ONLY light colors PLEASE. You are only nine, don't try to grow up too quick!

Breakfast time!

A mother and her children...I was on the brink of tears.. gotta be strong for them, this was a very exciting time for them, I was not about to ruin thier day, that would be selfish of me
Caiden and Bailee
Caiden 1st day of 5th grade
Caiden 1st day of Pre-K
Bailee 1st day of Pre-K

Bailee 1st day of 4th grade


YES!!! I have COMPLETE satisfaction on our back to school party!! As I promised, I took the kids swimming at Kay Kay's house!! I was NOT about to let the recent rain spoil our fun.. I was DETERMINED to fill my obligation to these kids!!! We lost one kid, Luke, BUT we gained 2, Bailee's girlfriends!!! They all went to school for our usual 1st day, BUT they were so EXCITED about the rest of the day!! I feel sooo good about our party! I feel that I made ALL their anticipated FUN come true. We all piled up in my car and headed to my mom's house. She has such a GREAT pool, and the kids love to come there..she even promised to have a sleep-over and MORE SWIMMING!! She is planning for a picnic too! That's were me and my mom are alike.. we LOVE to plan parties!! The kids played with water guns and even played some football. I feel soo COMPLETE on our party,, I'm just sad that summer is over.. BUT as all you know.. summer does not end till at least November.. so I'm sure we will end up over at Kay Kay's again!!!

Caiden and Bo..remember... THEY ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER!!
Caiden LOVES football!


We had left over cake.. and it was still soo good!


Can you believe they are twins?!

They has soo much fun with the water guns!
Even the girls joined in
Caiden thought he was 007!

The girls

Shower time!

Of course Caiden had to hog it!
Hunter was letting Caiden know that he WAS NOT showering with him!

Caiden catches the football

Bo catches the football
Hunter tried to catch the football, he has GREAT speed!
Freeze Dance


