Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Jerry got the call... we knew it was coming and we were prepared for it. We are just so grateful
that he got deployed to Baton Rouge.
This means that he is not far, and we can go and see him on weekends.
We are just so thankful to God for the time that we had with him.
Just his presence, made us so happy.
Though, we weathered storms here, and didn't get to do much was not a issue.

These are the things that we will miss.
When we go and visit Jerry in different places, we usually have a great weekend planned.
But, when he is home, we stay home and soak up every bit of time we have with him.
These are the things that we miss when he is gone. The family time that we get when he is home is priceless. These are the things that we will miss most. Just having him here, makes us feel so complete and content. Jerry, we love you and we are always thinking about you. Thanks for all you do for our family. You are already missed and we will be praying for you!