Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Tuesday, August 19, 2008



AND already homework!! This book was required for summer reading for all children entering 5th grade. Caiden knew that he HAD to read this book, but heard it was boring and put it off a little to late. Don't get me wrong, I Never push anything on my children, for Caiden has read TONS of books this summer. How he fitted in all in this summer is beyond me! With baseball ALL summer, friends over every single day, and playing PlayStation... Well, he did it! He will be tested on this book over the next two weeks. What's amazing to me is that he started on this book at 5 pm and finished at 6:30! SO, he should be well prepared for the test! I love the fact that he loves to read, just like his dad. My sister -in-law told me (she is a teacher) that reading is so important to a child. I can remember when Caiden was little and I was reading simple books to him, she told me that that was the best thing I could do for him. She said that it would help him in school and help them develop a healthy imagination, she was right! He kept telling Bailee and me to be quiet, for he requires SILENCE, but we have things we have to do! Tonight Bo called and he told him that he feels confident about passing the test, only being that he was only 1/2 through the book... that's Caiden.. always positive!

This is Caiden's serious side, very rare, he is such a clown!


With Caiden being my 1st child, I struggled and struggled whether to send him to pre-school ir not. I choose to stay home with my children, and I wanted to be the ONE to teach him everything. When the time came for me to make a decision, i was so OVER WHELMED at whether he should go or not. I have heard some people say that they have plenty of time for school, keep them home as long as you can, and yes, I DID want him home with me. I lost sleep over this, he was my baby, and i was worried about how he would in that type of environment at such a young age. Jerry's mother had talked to me about several times, and she highly recommended it. Jerry and I talked about this soo many times, and he was just as scared as I was. These were are concerns: You would help him walked to the classroom, (I did everyday when he started school), who would help him open his milk at lunch, he is just a little boy, who would protect him when another child hurt his feelings and said something ugly to him, what if someone said or did something that Caiden was not allowed to say or do, and most of all, Who would take care of him in general. I was so worried about sending him out into such a unsafe world, I wanted to shelter him from all the bad out there. Jerry and I prayed several times, and the Lord finally gave us peace about sending him, he was going to school. The night before his first day, I didn't sleep at all. I kept getting up, looking at his supplies I had laid out , his cute little uniform that I so took great time and preparation on shopping for, and I mainly watched him sleep! I was thinking my sweet little boy, will not be home with me any more all day, I was devastated and sick at my stomach, this was going to really take a toll on me. WELL, the day came and we all, Jerry, me, and Bailee and fixed Caiden a good breakfast, got dressed, and headed to school, While riding in the car, Jerry and I talked to Caiden. We told him that this was going to be fun, and always remember to be courteous and use good manners, and TELL the teacher if anybody hurts you. Everything went great, we met his teacher, and Mimi was there to make he was ALWAYS taken care of . She was a teacher there and Caiden being her 1st grandchild to ever go to preschool I KNEW she was going to take care of him good. Caiden made a lot of friends in Pre-K and some have even gone to school with him at his school now. I know I made the right decision on sending him. I sent him not to learn academically, but for the socialization... Caiden is a bright gifted child now. He is very outgoing and social and makes friends easy. I truly feel that if I would have not sent him, He would not be the way he is now. Pre-K opened up opportunities for him that I don't think I could have given him. It's not for every child, but it was for my Caiden. So I am all for pre-school, Caiden would not be the great student today is it was not for Pre-K and his WONDERFUL teachers.. For they were the very 1st to teach my child what I thought I couldn't. Thanks Pre-K

Class Schedule
Supply List
His classmates

His art projects

Field Trips

Anna Moo- She loved Caiden!


Eating Our 1st Lunch With Caiden

Caiden's handprint

Sports day.. this teacher and Caiden were dressed a like THE SAINTS..they didn't plan this!

Caiden Loves the Saints...STILL

Fall Festival

Making cookies for the next day.. he was the leader for the day!

Caiden LOVED Pre-K, I was glad he got to expreince it!!