Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Monday, September 15, 2008


I would like to like introduce to you our little black chihuahua Baxter
He is sooo precious and so loving!
What is really special is that he is Bubba's brother!
So, now we have Bubba, who is white
And, Baxter who is black

We now have two lovable little dogs!
Bubba is Bailee's little dog
And, Baxter is Caiden's dog
Caiden had to call Bo and let him meet Baxter!
Bo thought we was so cute!

So, each of my children have their own dog
And the responsibilities of taking care of them!
They are so happy now!
And they will not fight over the dogs!
For now, they have one of their own!!!