I never go back on my word. I promised Caiden and Bailee that I would take them back to the Delta High Safari. Caiden was out sick for a week with pneumonia, and we could not make the trip last weekend.

But, I told them I would take them back when everyone was feeling better! So, We went back Friday after school. I did my usual routine of eating lunch with them. I could not last week, due to Caiden's illness. They were so excited about going. They have been talking about it all week!

We had so much fun! When we arrived, we got a bag full of food to feed the animals. We then proceeded to drive thru the Safari. Each one of my children had an opinion on what to do, the drive thru or the tour bus, But we soon find out that they only do the tour travel on Saturday and Sunday, so we did the drive -thru, which turned out to be soo cool!

We got our food ready, filled the food in our cups and headed on down the safari road!

Bailee was a little intimated by the animals, she was scared, but she feed at least one animal

I was so excited about feeding the Zebras, I love Zebras!

The animals were so neat, they just keep coming up to our windows. It was neat to see them all so face to face.

Caiden had a blast feeding them. I lost a cup full of food to a camel, they are really strong animals!

Bailee sat back and just watched what was happening. She thought they were so neat and cool.

Though, they tell you to watch out for these animals, they could do damage to your vehicle, but they didn't, they just came up to our window, and curiosity got the best of them!!

The camel was huge, kinda like a giraffe, his neck was soo long!