Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Saturday, August 30, 2008


The Ellerman girls had a girls time this weekend! Mimi got Madison, Bailee, and Jayden for a fun filled weekend! They got to go to Build-A-Bear! MiMi bought each girl a new outfit for their little bears. And they got to ride the carousel at the mall!They got to do arts and crafts!
Bailee was so proud to show us her little house she made !

They got to eat McDonald's!

They also got to do a fashion show! Bailee has such a wonderful time with her girl cousins! Thank you MiMi for letting Bailee have fun with you and her cousins! She always comes back with many happy times to remember!


We have just gotten word that our school will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday due to Hurriane Gustva.
They will be using the schools as shelters for those evacuating New Orleans. I-10 is packed from those trying to leave New Orleans. I am so scared for those in harms way. I am soo thankful that Jerry is here to be with us! We all pray for those already traumatized by this horrible tragedy and for those who will be hit from its effects.