Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Mrs.Tanner was a WONDERFUL 4th grade teacher and I am so glad she was Bailee's teacher! This is her helping Bailee and her friend Brianna get ready for the 3-legged race!

Bailee had a GREAT time with her friends on field day!

She got to play various games and had so much fun!

This was her favorite event, the beach ball !

Bailee also participated in the 2-legged race with her friends Brianna.

Bailee throwing a softball.She did GREAT!!

Mrs.Tanner and her girls.

Bailee and her friend Taylor Brooke

Bailee and Ashley taking a break from the games.


It was a HOT day, but the girls cooled down with some good ole snow cones!

What a bunch of sweet girls !

Maddy and Bailee

What a fun and Great time for not only Bailee Grace, But Jerry and I as well! I love all school events my children are involved in, but this is my favorite school party! For summer is on the way!!

Proud parents!

Jerry LOVES his Bailee Grace!!

In addition to Field day, Bailee also got to visit the Gator Store at school. The kids get tickets for doing various good deeds and they redeem them later in the school year for school prizes!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Caiden had his field day at school last week and it was so fun to watch him and his classmates race!
Caiden participated in several events and did so with his best friend Bo!
Caiden and Bo did the Broom Race together and it was so funny to watch them do this event!
Caiden also did the tug a war.All the boys wanted him in the back because he was the biggest and the strongest.

The boys had such a great time together. I am so glad that Caiden has many friends at his school.

Best of buddies.

The Stroker boys! Have you ever seen so many orange hats!
Caiden was glad I brought a blanket for him and his friends to sit on. They ate snacks and watched the games.
Caiden's classmates ,the girls, had a good time too!

The girls in Caiden's class doing the Broom Race

Goofing around his what these boys like to do!
Caiden was planning his strategy!
Caiden's teacher , Mrs. Thomas and her boys! She was a GREAT teacher this year! I am so glad Caiden was in her class!

On you marks, Get set, GO!!

Jerry and I had such a great time with Caiden! How blessed we feel to be able to attend school functions!