Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


My son, Caiden has made the 9-10 year old all stars! Way to go Caiden! We are so proud of you! As I have said before, sports is a big part of our life. My mom has always told me to enjoy it while I can, because they grow up so quickly and you will just have memories. This year has been a great year. Jerry has not been here as much as he wanted, but at least I was here for it. I have been to every practice and every game. I cannot bring myself to miss an opportunity to see Caiden excel! We had our very first practice Monday night. It was good to see all the boys bond. Caiden also hit a home run!! Way to go C-Max!! Help cheer us on! GO EO ALL-STARS!!

1 comment:

BB said...

I am so proud my nephew CMAX. He continues to get better and better every year. I will be one proud aunt while I am sitting in the stands with a shirt on that has his name on the back. I can't wait for the games to start. I love ya'll.