Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Saturday, February 21, 2009


than friends!
Bailee and Ashley always have so much fun together.
Bailee has always wanted a sister..well this will have to do!


Dorsey said...

I have only a handful of friends that could fit THAT billing! That truly is a special bond when you find a friend that you feel that close to in your life.

Danielle said...

Oh Dorsey, I am so glad that Bailee has a friend like that! Having a daughter is such a blessing and I see me in so much of her! Girl friends are great to have and I want her to develop healthy relationships with others. I feel so blessed right now! With all the sickness that has been going on, I have been so over whelmed! But God is in control! I love you! Thanks for the comment!