Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Saturday, June 13, 2009

VBS 2009

My kids love all things about summer, but they look forward to VBS most of all!

Not only to they get to see friends from school, but get a chance to share God's love with them!

Caiden and Bailee had a GREAT week at VBS at Swartz Baptist Church!

The theme was Boomerang Express.

Caiden and Bailee enjoyed being around cousins and friends, But most of all, learned more about Jesus and His love!

The last day, they had Water Day and got to play on a water slide and with water guns!

Caiden doing crafts

Bailee and Sarah

My two sweet kids!

Bailee had a BLAST on the water slide!!

CRAZY cousins, Caiden and Carter!!

Cousins, Caiden and Peyton!

Caiden was enjoying his snack that consisted of LOTS of nachos!

I cannot tell you how many times Bailee took on the water slide. It was A LOT!!

Cousins, Caiden and Patrick

Bailee got in right on the face with the water gun!

Caiden had whipped cream all over his face!

Wednesday night was family night and the kids got to perform with the staff singing the songs that they learned during the week. I so enjoyed this and seeing my kids enjoy singing songs about Jesus and His love !

What a wonderful week my children had and I am so glad they got to go and fellowship with children that love the Lord like they do!

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