Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Monday, August 11, 2008


We finally stopped in Arkansas for our final hotel experience. Our family has had lots of time to reflect on our vacation times and we shared some special moments. We love to take life in and experience all that life has to offer. But we also love to take time to talk to each other and find ways to make our family closer. Vacation is about relaxing, not making a long lists of things to do, but taking each moment we have and turning it into a blessing of "just being a family" We didn't make a itinerary, and saying "we have to do this at this time" Vacation is like rolling with the tides of the beach. You wait till the tide comes in and when it does, you act on it, what you in that moment is up to you, and you will see a beautiful outcome with what you had!

I Love to watch my children sleep, oh yes, Contentment, it's priceless!

Caiden and Bailee finally got goggles

Bailee Made It! She is quite the Althete!

My family playing some "one on one"

Caiden made that shot with nothing but net! Go C-Max!

Jerry and Caiden Competiting

Trying for a hole in one, well, a par

Caiden has shown quite a bit of interest in golf. He would like to expand on this new sport this fall. Oh boy, something else to add to our list!

Bailee being the helper she is brings us breakfast beverages before the hit the road

Bailee making her goal

Caiden making a basket

One last time for swimming on the road

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