Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Friday, October 31, 2008


Bailee in the haunted house.
We had a great Halloween! Our day was busy, but it was so much fun!

I ate lunch with the kids, like every Friday, and I attended Caiden and Bailee's Halloween parties at school.

They both had pizza parties and Bailee's class had coke floats.

It was great to see their little friends and I got to really know their friends and all the little stories they tell about each other.

It is such a great feeling to walk in their school and see all the faculty and parents, we are such a close knit school.

Caiden's little party was great, and his friends always are so sweet, and they talk to me daily about how much they like him, and how he is the class clown!

Bailee's class had their little coke floats on the playground and I got to see her play with her friends out side.

I absolutely adore Bailee's teacher Mrs. Tanner. We have really become really good friends! She cares about every student in her class, and she is soo pretty!

She tells me often how much Bailee reminds her of her own daughter!

I worked on my little decoration table a lot today. I was so proud of myself for the pumpkins that I purchased at Sam's today. They had pumpkins for 1.71, WOW, what a great deal! And since we had already carved our pumpkins, I just got them to do later in the day!

I had also made cookies and cupcakes for their after school snack. I am not very good at making desserts, but at least I tried.

I had little treat bags made up for them.

As always, Caiden and Bailee are so excited about coming home and finding little surprises that I had for them.

I filled their little bags with coloring books, stickers, and fake buck teeth, which they loved! I also had candy and little flashlights that had Halloween themes on them.

I also put Hairspray paint in their gifts bags, and I sprayed their hair with it.

What's Halloween without candied corn!

Caiden called Bo and asked him to come over for a bit, and had a surprise waiting for him.

I had also got them spray string in their little treat bags and they has so much fun spraying each other with it and they got Bo pretty good!

I decided to carve our 2 pumpkins while they played football, I asked Caiden and Bailee if they wanted to help and they told me that they had already carved pumpkins and thought that I should do it myself, so I did it gladly! I even had kids from our neighborhood stop by and comment on my carving! One little girl said that I was doing a great job, and she wished her mom would do that with her, I kinda felt sorry for her.

After the carving, Caiden and Bailee got dressed for our local church's Fall carnival. Bailee has dressed as a ghost, and Caiden went as one of his heroes, Drew Brees, who plays for the Saints.

We has so much fun at our church, Caiden and Bailee's friends were there and they got to hang out together.

They played many games.

Caiden and I got our faces painted! He decided on ULM, since he was going to the game tomorrow.

I got a Saint's sign and and a LSU, since I am a fan of both!

After the fall carnival, we got ready to trick and treat in our neighborhood.

Our neighborhood is like the jackpot of Halloween. They are so many people that come to our area. Cars are parked down the street for miles. People have trailers hooked up with lots of children, and it is always soo much fun to see everyone from our school there.

We got to go to at least 3 little haunted houses in our neighborhood.

Bailee particpated in one and wanted to show that she was really scared!

Bailee Grace and her friend Mary Grace

Caiden and his freinds Tanner and Grant

We has soo much fun! We even had Trey and and Susan Flutt in our house for a while , so Hunter and Luke could trick and treat with our kids! We ate Johnny's Pizza and ate lots and lots of candy and popcorn and watched movies! I love Halloween so much and the kids do too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like ya'll had a good time! Thanks for always making things special for Caiden and Bailee, you are a great mom, and I couldn't do this without you!!