Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Friday, November 21, 2008


Bailee had her first field trip Friday and she was so excited about it! She has been talking about it for weeks!
Matter of fact, she had a hard time going to bed Thursday night, because she was so looking forward to it!
The field trip was to the Cinderella Ballet. It was so amazing! I love Ballets, the music, the dancing, and just being there watching the beautiful movement of the dancers.
I got to sit by Bailee and her friend Ashley and they were so mesmerized by the whole ballet. Bailee has actually spent the last 2 days in her costumes from her dance recital. She is interested in taking dancing again!
We had so much fun watching it.
I actually did more videos than pictures , for I felt I would not do the Ballet justice by pictures, for I was moved by every scene.To actually watch the ballet and feel the moment was so extraordinary.
After the ballet, Bailee got to ride home with me and we just spent the rest of the day around town, enjoying time with each other. It is so nice to be able to take each one of my children and spend one on one time with them, Caiden had his field trip last week , and I did the exact thing with him!
I am soo grateful to the fact that I can attend these special times with my children!


Anonymous said...

I love Ballets! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

Hated I miss it. Miss yall

Danielle said...

I know you do! Jerry, I am just thankful that we have each other! You know how I have been feeling the last couple of days, and I am sorry about you not being here, But, I know the blessings God will give us for being faithful to Him and the sacrificies you are making to give your family what we need! Remember this.."And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. I love you! And thanks for all you do for our family!