Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Saturday, August 16, 2008


FOR SCHOOL, I finally feel "completion" on it. This preparation has been going on for a month now and I finally relax(somewhat) my brain! Starting school is so stressful, not only for children, but parents as well. There are soo many things that have to be done. Let me start first with the school supplies. They give you this long list of supplies, and you very rarely find them all in one place. I had to go to SEVERAL places to get completion on it. Some of these supplies will never be used and will wind up sitting in the "supply closet". They are very specific about what to get. Never use "off" brands, for that will not suffice. And boys and girls have to bring different supplies. AND it was very time consuming writing names on EVERYTHING, I am the type of mother that feels the need to be totally organized and I DO NOT want "other" children taking my kids stuff, so I label EVERYTHING so not IF it gets stolen, for it WILL get stolen and WHEN it does, they will know that it belongs to someone else. NO. 2 pencils.... HOW MANY can one child use???? Certainly not over 60... AND to replenish throughout the year..PLEASE! BACKPACKS.... Can't use the roll kind, and my children being that they like having the "BEST" had to have 60 dollar ones.... I tried throwing around the "it will get dirty and stepped all over the ist week" BUT.. no can do... they STILL wanted it, and yes, i'm a sucker, so they GOT it! CLOTHES.. same .. have to have the best and the "STYLE". BUT luckly, I got EVERYTHING on sale and it worked out beautifully!! HAIRCUTS.. we must always look our BEST the first day of school.. this is "crucial" for children at the age they are now. A nice clean haircut shows others that you take pride in self-presentation and it shows great personal hygiene. As Caiden always says.. "Gotta look good for the girls!" BUT Caiden hates getting his hair cut, so I have to remind him he's doing for the girls! AND Bailee, being the nine year old girl she is takes full advantage of the opportunity to go the the salon.. she adores it! SCHOOL FEES AND LUNCHES... I have already made my checks out and we are all set for that... that DEFINITELY takes a load of my mind because the first day of school to me is making sure my children feel comfortable with the new surroundings of unfamiliar faces of many teachers and I want them to have the most of an unstressful environment as possible, PLUS they don't care about seeing me write MULTIPLE checks to teachers...BORING. BREAKFAST FOODS.. are very important to me when it comes to school. My children NEED a good nutritious breakfast for such an long day. It is a proven fact that children who eat breakfast have a better learning capacity and can think better and use the most of brain power... so lets just say that I have A LOT of breakfast food... I want my children to be the best they can be when it comes to learning! THE LAST DAY OF SUMMER.. is spent now with the satisfaction of being prepared for another year of school, and having GREAT SATISFACTION of a great summer and knowing we did ALL that we wanted to do... SORRY Caiden and Bailee... ITS HERE... the enviable..... TIME FOR SCHOOL.....TIME TO GET OUT OF BED AND GET DRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell that Caiden isn't happy about his haircut! He was like, "mom, when can we go home?"

Bailee "loves" getting her hair washed!

The lady could not BELIEVE how much hair Bailee had!

Can you BELIEVE the clothes?! I went to Old Navy and got EVERYTHING on sale!!


Anonymous said...

Came over from the mom's blog...you have a beautiful family..I hear you on the supply list... they will never use all that stuff...LOVE what you said about the backpacks..my children are the same way} and I always give in too!


Danielle said...

Thanks for the comment. It's amazing how much we give in to our kids!