Our Fantastic Family Of Four Forever Believes

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Our family had a great and relaxing weekend!
It was great to get away and have some great family time together.
We decided to have a family weekend together for with baseball starting up and Jerry might getting called away, we didn't know how much time we would have together.
We chose this park because we have not been here , and other parks were so booked up! Seems like everyone is ready for some relaxation and camping!
We arrived Friday around six, and I had already cooked a ham before we left. Jerry and I went shopping Friday morning to get everything we needed for the weekend.
Our little cabin was small and cozy, perfect for a family of four!
My Bailee is such a little helper, and she made the beds for Caiden and her.
She also helped me warm up the ham for supper and enjoyed helping me!

We had ham sandwiches for supper and it was yummy!

We knew it would be raining, so we planned activities for inside.
We played many board games. we played pictionary, poker, and apples to apples. Thanks to Caiden and Bailee's cousins, Caiden played it over there and love it, so we added it to our collection!

Thank goodness, it stopped raining Saturday evening, so Jerry and Caiden fired up the grill.
I love watching them together, Jerry is so awesome with our children!
He taught Caiden the "proper" way to grill!!

The kids and I decided to warm up by the grill, for the ground was way to wet to set up a campfire.

Caiden found his steak he wanted and made sure it was cooked to perfection.

We had family time and also our own individual time. Caiden played is PSP.
I enjoyed reading my book
Bailee played school.
Jerry worked on his laptop.

I also got to expand on my hobby, photography.
I LOVE taking pictures, for sure ones of nature!

We also took some pictures of our family.

We had a great time and look forward to many more camping trips!

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